In between vampires and werewolves I like to read something with a little meat...(pun intended). The Book Thief is one of the best in newer fiction. It tells the story of a young girl in Germany living with a foster family who harbors a Jewish man. The best part of the book is the narrator...DEATH...who does a tremendous job.
There is also A Stone In My Hand...a short novel set in Isreal. Excellent.
Along that same line is Terrorist by John Updike.
Also anything, anything by Isabel Allende, Alice Hoffman, and Anne Tyler. I liked James Patterson until he started putting his name on novels written with (by) other people...these novels aren't worthy.
I know I am supposed to update my progress on 23 things...I don't like Rollyo,, Technorati, wikis...(personal opinions not facts and if you don't believe me listen to Steven Colbert on Comedy Central), and I think YouTube is filled with 95% crappola...(honestly how many versions of the Numa Numa song does the world really need????)
I really would rather talk about books...good books, bad books, picture books, classics, graphic novels...(like the Laurell K. Hamilton series recently made into a graphic novel, I'm waiting for the movie version of her Anita Blake series; good looking vampires what more could a girl ask for? Also the movie version of Janet Evanovich...some of us spend too much time picturing what Ranger and Joe would look like.)
Oh...on a 23 things thought...check out the map on the bottom of the shows where visitors to this blog live.
Oh yeah, who did we decide for Joe and Ranger? I think we agreed on Sandra Bullock for Stephanie, was that right? :-)
Could you expound a bit on why you don't like some of the web products and tools that you were asked to look at as part of the 23 Things? Also, how could Rollyo,, Technorati, and wikis be used in the library environment?
You say you like to play, right? Brainstorm some ideas of how to use those tools to excite kids and teens or make their library experience more interactive!
ooo liked the map and the blog..funny.
do i need to do something to show up on your map? i am going to get myself a map too!
and i have a friend who is also casting a book series. she is casting that ya series by Stephanie Meyer about Edward the vampire and his human love Bella. it was such a teen novel... i gagged a lot.
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