Monday, August 6, 2007

Work Room Talk

A couple of us were just talking about The Velveteen Rabbit this morning...too maudlin was one comment. I disagree. I grew up believing that stuffed animals had a whole other life outside my room. I even cut a mouth into my favorite stuffed dog, Otto, so he could talk with the others at night. I told them everything! And they always kept my secrets. The idea that a stuffed animal could be rewarded for years of unconditional love makes my heart feel good. (I know I'm a big goof.)

Actually, even at 37, I can't walk away from one of my daughters stuffed toys without making sure it is sitting upright and with a friend. I still have my first Winnie the Pooh that I got for Christmas when I was 3 or 4. My husband calls it Evil Pooh because he no longer has eyes, eyebrows or a mouth. And his paws have old velcro pads that scratch. There are nights that evil Pooh finds his way into my bed and protects me from the noises from the pillow next to me. I also have a "nice" Pooh that my husband bought for me a few years ago...I guess he was hoping that evil Pooh would get such luck.

So...if you have a young mind like I (or just wish never to grow up) are some great book suggestions...The Tale of Despereaux, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Knuffle Bunny, (I adore Mo Willems!!!) Cordoroy, the Winnie the Pooh (the original stories not the disney version), Carnival of Animals by John Lithgow, (not only can the man act, he can actually write!) And of course, who could forget the Raggedy Ann and Andy stories. I could go one forever!


Amy said...

See, and I love Corduroy and Raggedy Ann. Just not the Velveteen Rabbit. I'm fond of Pooh, but I really like Eeyore's mournfulness. :-)

Susan G. said...

I like the Velveteen Rabbit too! It also, these days, reminds me of a book I read recently, "The Velveteen Father," by Jesse Green, about a guy whose boyfriend has an adopted son. Green goes into how he turns from a "fake" Dad into a "real" Dad as he gradually falls in love with the child and commits to being his "second" Dad.

It is very sweet and I love the idea of the "velveteen" parent. Since I'm in the process of adopting myself, I can totally understand the concept!

kdf_333 said...

i loved the velveteen rabbit as well!

your blog is just too good Paige. it is distracting me form doing my own 23 things.

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