Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Whole New Mind

Whatever Daniel Pink is selling, I'm not buying. Of course I was biased from the start...I detest required readings. And I don't think the Right brainers were ever out of fashion. Who else but a right brain genius would come up with computers in the first place? Or television? Or the internet? It took a lot of creative thinking to come up with all of that.

In Daniel's first chapter the only thing that kept running through my mind was..."is he name dropping?" Seriously, it was all "Havard so and so, Cal-Tech whosit, neuroscientist blah, blah, blah." I understand Pink is trying to support his thesis with knowledgable sources, but every other paragraph is filled with a new name. Don't get me wrong, I agree with many of his premises, but much of what he says seems, well, obvious. Obviously you can't make decisions without both sides of the brain...

And that brings me to another of Daniel's ideas...computers will take over medical diagnosis. Excuse me? Seriously? I guess since we are now relying on computers to make our romantic matches the next logical step is deciding what is wrong with us physically.
I can see the hpochondriacs of the world loving this. They will be taking every new drug that comes on the market. I prefer a face to face doctor. I tend to minimize pains and need a doctor to tell me to take things seriously.

And let me just bring up the idea of outsourcing...I get extremely frustrated when I try to describe a problem to a customer service rep. and can't make him/her understand me. And why do they have to give them "American" sounding names? Let's be honest, we know we aren't talking to a Jake or John. Let them use their own names. (ok i know that was totally off topic...but Daniel did mention outsourcing as a reason Right brainers will inherit the earth.)

Now chapter 3 has some interesting facts and ideas. A few I would like to share with my husband...MFAs are important! HA! He is under the misguided notion that an MFA will get you nowhere...guess his business behind is wrong, wrong, wrong! Oh, and I love the idea of an aptitude test based on New Yorker cartoons! I would kick butt on that test. The New Yorker is my favorite magazine of all time. The cartoons found in its pages are some of the best in the world.

Ok...back to the book...It is well written, has some great humor, but didn't deliver any Ah Hah! moments for me. And the whole Target senario...please...I shop target weekly and have never been that impressed with their stock. Give me Macy's anyday.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Pratt Visit

I have just returned from my first visit to Pratt...what a beautiful building for a library. I grew up using a library that was built in the 1880s. It had a spirling marble staircase, 3 floors, amazing marble statues...and a fabulous staff.

Pratt has the same feel. The staff was friendly, personable and they seemed to really enjoy their job. Well, most of them. Unfortunately, the person leading the morning tour was not exactly who I would have chosen to speak to a larger group for 2 hours. Areas I would have loved to spend more time talking about; Maryland Collection, African American Room, Specials...she glossed over or cut short, and areas of little interest she spent an inordinate amount of time discussing. And it wouldn't have been too horrible, but she didn't discuss the collections...sometimes she spent 15 minutes discussing the merits of the SAM software for computer reservations. Or the fact that the African American Collection had cushioned seats and carpeting while in the Business collection they only had wooden stools and hard floors that carried noise. The idea behind the tour is to inspire us...I was, just not by my guide. I spoke with some co-workers who took the later tour and they said their guide was wonderful.

I am envious of the materials and space the library has. I would love to go back and explore on my own. I could live in the children's room! The fish and the night and day rooms are cool! And speaking of the children's department...the Mother Goose presenter was fantastic! She kept our attention and taught us at the same time. I think my library does a great job with storytimes, but it is always helpful to have extra ideas in the back of your mind.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Ok, once again I find myself in a situation where I must be positive about something I would rather not do. Not because it isn't relevant, but since I have worked within the library system for a number of years, (not just in MD, but also in Las Vegas and in PA) I feel I am well versed in a number of the areas in which we are being "learned". I will say that my reference skills are not as strong as they could be, but only because as a children's librarian, I am not asked questions that require too many indepth or specialized resources. So I guess it is good that I am required to learn more about information sources.

I am also not an enthusiastic bear with me. Who cares what I think? Not even my husband wants my every thought.

I am excited by my LATI project. It is an extension of an early literacy grant I worked on last year called Words on Wheels (WoW!). I will be choosing 100 children picture book titles and placing a label on the inside front cover of the book listing 3 parent/child activities to do as well as a question the parent can ask the child once the book has been read. I am hoping that this project will reach a broad spectrum of patrons that utilize our library. Texas has a similar program called 2x2. They started it a few years ago and every year they add 20 more titles to their list.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

23 things finished!

And a cheer went up! HooRah!

Finally finished! On the whole I initially enjoyed learning what was new in library tech. But it all got old. I learned new things. Had fun playing with some of the graphics...but I just don't enjoy the internet enough to gain much from bloglines, tags, wikis, etc...the whole idea of the internet for me is the journey. What fun is it to search for info. if everything comes to you with out detours?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thing 22 (i'm almost done!)

I just looked over Netlibrary and Overdrive...more places to register my name...I guess if I was lonely I would love soooo many people and places to know me...but actually, I prefer to remain as anonymous as possible.

I did enjoy seeing some of the titles available. It's nice to see such a wide range of topics and titles...YA, Fiction, Nonfiction. I just wish it were all available without registering...I know they need to know who is using their helps with advertisers and such. It would be great if TumbleBooks got as many titles on their site...all you need to access them is your library card!

I guess I'm not approaching alot of the technology with the right frame of mind. I am going to be the mean old lady who hates anything new...I'll yell at the neighborhood kids when their ball lands in my yard...I'll get mad when I go to the store and have to use the self-checkouts...I'll leave my new answering machine my grandkids bought me in the box because I'm afraid to try and use know basically behave like my Grandma Edna.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I just looked at Yahoo podcasts. I found a few podcasts that were interesting...Classic Books Alive,, and Children's Radio. Classic Books is currently reading Huck Finn chapter by chapter. BigStoryTime has children's books read by a 5 year old and his friends...they do a great job. Children's Book Radio is ok. I thought they would just read a story, but it also has interviews with authors. More geared toward adults than children. I find these podcasts interesting...I think the library can use podcasts when it comes to storytimes. We could upload our weekly storytimes, infant, toddler and older, and then have it linked from our county library website. (Hmmmm...I wonder who would get tasked with this job...)


YouTube...what can be said about this website...other than it is a huge waste of time. As I have said previously, how many versions of the same song does one person need to watch? The video I linked to this posting is on YouTube at least 5 different times with 5 different songs in the background. My son likes to watch music videos that have a warped sense of humor..."Candy Mountain...Charlie!" I think it's ok for families who can't get together often...maybe upload video of sporting events or school plays...but a majority of the videos are pointless. (except for the What The Buck Show...way way way inappropriate...but Funny!!!! This week the "host" rips on the Miss Teen USA who botched her question about 1/5 of Americans not being able to find the US on a map...if you haven't seen it yet and want to feel good about yourself...there are at least 5 different versions of it on YouTube.)

I also want to say YIPPEE I am almost done with 23 Things...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Award Winners?

I just finished checking out a few Web 2.0 award winners. Um...some were ok. My favorite was LuLu which is an online publishing site. I found the cutest book...Bud the Bunny...go and take a look. The only thing I noticed is no one seems to be buying children's picture books from this site. But at least its a place to get noticed. It is almost impossible for a new author to get someone (either a book agent or a book publisher) to take a look at their manuscript. (I know I've tried...and my books are fabulous!!!!!!)

I also looked at another site for all the weirdos to voice their thoughts no matter how off the wall they are. (hummm...sounds very familiar.) One of the "weirdos" had a list of seduction books for men...and supposedly he's tried them all. (do men really think they work? What's wrong with being yourself? Of course many of the men who use those books aren't looking for long term...just overnight.)

I checked out too. My sister takes great portrait photos and wants to set up a website. I thought this one would be good for her to check out. I didn't delve (great word!) too deeply into the site....but I think it is a good place for her to start.

Just in case anyone was son did great his first week of middle school. He only got lost once! (I know...I am acting like one of the weirdo's I mentioned earlier...I apologize.)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

School is in!

School has started for the kids in my area. Yippe! My son is now a middle schooler..(pause for a dramatic and deep breath.) He is ready...I'm not. So to take my mind off the idea of my "little" boy wandering the halls of a great big busy middle school I am working on my 23 Things.

I have decided that I am just too lazy and impatient to enjoy all the web has to offer. Everyone wants you to register and make a password and donate a kidney to access their site. I like my kidney. I don't like putting my name out there. I don't like trying to memorize a handful of different passwords. (and you can't use the same password for everything because it isn't the safest of ideas.) I thought Technorati was appealed to my lazy nature...all I have to do is click on the popular tab and join the "in" crowd! (Loved the trailer for the new Harold and Kumar movie...the first movie was crude, rude and fabulous!)

Wikis are interesting...but since they are open it doesn't appeal to my nature. I want my information to be based on something more than an opinion. If anyone can edit an entry information can become misleading. And when kids (or adults) go to a wiki for support for a paper or report they may in fact be misled. (beer found to be healthy...milk causes brain cells to die!)

I know, I know...I am missing point. Its all about the interaction between communities and the people they serve. I did like the Quintura wiki for kids. Pass your arrow over a search topic...books...and it brings up more topics to narrow your search, suggestions, shopping etc...Oh...check out BookSwim. It's like netflicks for books. Although if you listen to the naysayers, most people don't read enough books to make it worth their trouble. (although the $20 monthly fee is alot less than most library overdue fees!)

Oh...and before I go let me suggest a couple of good kids books...Middle School is Worst than Meatloaf by Jennifer Holm. The story is told through "stuff" in a scrapbook/journal. Also Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now by Lauren Child. (my daughter loves her books...Lauren also writes the picture books featuring Charli and Lola) Also...remember the Fonz from Happy Days? He is a fantastic author! Henry Winkler has a wonderful series featuring a boy who is not perfect...the titles of the books are grab a reader's attention. The Night I Flunked My Field Trip, Barfing in the Backseat; how I survived my family's road trip. These books are perfect if you have a reluctant reader/student in your family. you can go...thanks for distracting me from the fact that my son is currently wandering the halls of a packed school, lost, alone, hungry...(yes I know...I am pathetic. He is actually having a great time, making lots of new friends and hopefully listening to his teachers.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What we should be reading

In between vampires and werewolves I like to read something with a little meat...(pun intended). The Book Thief is one of the best in newer fiction. It tells the story of a young girl in Germany living with a foster family who harbors a Jewish man. The best part of the book is the narrator...DEATH...who does a tremendous job.

There is also A Stone In My Hand...a short novel set in Isreal. Excellent.

Along that same line is Terrorist by John Updike.

Also anything, anything by Isabel Allende, Alice Hoffman, and Anne Tyler. I liked James Patterson until he started putting his name on novels written with (by) other people...these novels aren't worthy.
I know I am supposed to update my progress on 23 things...I don't like Rollyo,, Technorati, wikis...(personal opinions not facts and if you don't believe me listen to Steven Colbert on Comedy Central), and I think YouTube is filled with 95% crappola...(honestly how many versions of the Numa Numa song does the world really need????)

I really would rather talk about books...good books, bad books, picture books, classics, graphic novels...(like the Laurell K. Hamilton series recently made into a graphic novel, I'm waiting for the movie version of her Anita Blake series; good looking vampires what more could a girl ask for? Also the movie version of Janet Evanovich...some of us spend too much time picturing what Ranger and Joe would look like.)

Oh...on a 23 things thought...check out the map on the bottom of the shows where visitors to this blog live.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Going off on a tangent

I took the afternoon to look over Rollyo and a few other of our 23't impressed. They all seem to do the same thing but in a different manner. How many websites do I need to read to know that I am woefully behind the times technically. I would rather use this site to discuss good books...kind of a virtual bookclub.

And on that note...the Yound Adult Series by Stephanie Meyer...beginning with fabulous! (not everyone agree with me though) As some of you know I love, love, love vampire stories. It all began many years ago when I was just a page in my hometown library. I came across the Vampire Lestate. I was hooked. Now I have to fight a few certain librarians (and you know who you are!) over the newest vampire books that come in. Anyways...Stephanie writes a great story. How I wish we had had authors like this when I was younger...(I would probably be even loopier than I am now)

Laurell K. Hamilton is another great author (if you like a little or a lot of steamy scenes). The Undead series (and Unwed, Underappreciated, Uneasy etc...) is not thought provoking, but it is light and fun. Also if you are looking for a great character to follow, Sookie Stackhouse is it. She is strong, funny, and quite entertaining. Then there is Karen Moning who writes an interesting set of books...she is a contemporary Harlequin type author moving toward more meaty fiction.

What vampires are you into? My list could continue...the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong, Sunshine, the Daren Shan series for Young Adults...(I know, I need to stop).

Monday, August 6, 2007

Work Room Talk

A couple of us were just talking about The Velveteen Rabbit this morning...too maudlin was one comment. I disagree. I grew up believing that stuffed animals had a whole other life outside my room. I even cut a mouth into my favorite stuffed dog, Otto, so he could talk with the others at night. I told them everything! And they always kept my secrets. The idea that a stuffed animal could be rewarded for years of unconditional love makes my heart feel good. (I know I'm a big goof.)

Actually, even at 37, I can't walk away from one of my daughters stuffed toys without making sure it is sitting upright and with a friend. I still have my first Winnie the Pooh that I got for Christmas when I was 3 or 4. My husband calls it Evil Pooh because he no longer has eyes, eyebrows or a mouth. And his paws have old velcro pads that scratch. There are nights that evil Pooh finds his way into my bed and protects me from the noises from the pillow next to me. I also have a "nice" Pooh that my husband bought for me a few years ago...I guess he was hoping that evil Pooh would get such luck.

So...if you have a young mind like I (or just wish never to grow up) are some great book suggestions...The Tale of Despereaux, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Knuffle Bunny, (I adore Mo Willems!!!) Cordoroy, the Winnie the Pooh (the original stories not the disney version), Carnival of Animals by John Lithgow, (not only can the man act, he can actually write!) And of course, who could forget the Raggedy Ann and Andy stories. I could go one forever!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Check out My Side Bar!

I told you before...I love to play! Its a wonder I get any work done at all. (don't tell Janis.) I have added some of my favorite feeds to my blog. My bogline account is as quirky as I am. (another of my favorite words.) Some of my other favorite feeds are the Daily Show videos...politics lite...The Washington Post and NYT Book Reviews...everyone needs book suggestions...(it can't be all chick lit and vampires) The NYT Movie Reviews...documentaries can be so interesting...AboutDogs blog...(somedays I would trade my husband for another dog.)
So all in all I am kinda glad we are doing the 23 things.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

RSS Feed

I worked on RSS feeds today...I guess they are useful. To me though it takes the fun out of searching the web. I did find alot of interesting sites though...the daily quotes, the word of the day, clips from the Daily Show and a number of book review sites. My book request list at the library is going to be of my favorite words. I also love the word wonky...any word that sounds silly.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Flickr Again

I keep going back to Flickr...I am addicted to the photos! I don't think I could ever put any of my own up though...people can be vicious with their comments...there is even a Delete from Flickr group! My favorite shots are of the close-ups of everyday objects; lemons, paper weights etc...I like using some of the Flickr tools; the one where you sketch a shape in a specific color and it pulls photos with that shape and color. Also the colorwheel one...I don't have a great eye when it comes to taking photos, but I can appreciate good art.

I skipped head a bit...I created an avatar! is fun and easy...way to many choices though. I tried to create a character close to the real me, but they don't have an age choice or wrinkle choices either. So this is the me from 15 years ago...I wish!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Photos Sharing

I love Flickr...I could happily while away the hours looking at other peoples' perspective of our world. I want my sister to put some of her photos on Flickr...she takes amazing photos...just stop by my desk and see!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Goals and reaching them...

I listened to the 7 1/2 lifelong learning habits and discovered my weakness...I'd rather play than plan! I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of setting up a blog...I thought only computer geeks did such things. (and who would really want to read my thoughts on anything?) But I am having a great time playing with the set up of my blog and adding elements to make it my own.

Now, if I only can stop playing long enough to finish the set-up!

Where in the world are you?

My World Visitor Profile Map